About me

I am currently working as a Project Associate at the ML Research Lab in Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad(IITH) under Prof. J. Saketha Nath.

Prior to this, I completed my undergraduate (B.Tech) and master’s (MS by Research) degrees at International Institute of Information Technology, Hyderabad (IIITH) in Computer Science and Engineering with a specialization in Theory and Algorithms. I was a part of the Machine Learning Lab under the primary supervision of Prof. Sujit Gujar, and co-advised by Prof. Girish Varma.

I am looking for Research Associate/Pre-Doctoral roles in Machine Learning. Link to my CV.


My interests broadly lie at the intersection of Machine Learning, Applied Probability and Causal Inference. Particularly, I am interested in developing theory and algorithms to build robust, fair, and explainable machine learning models by applying the pricinples of causality and causal inference.


[July, 2023]: Graduated from IIITH with a dual degree in CSE (with a specialization in Theory and Algorithm).

[December, 2022]: I joined ML Research Lab at IITH as a Project Associate.

[August, 2022]: Attended UAI 2022 for a spotlight presentation of our paper in Individual Fairness in Feature-Based Pricing in Monopoly Markets.

[March, 2022]: Our paper on Individual Fairness in Feature-Based Pricing in Monopoly Markets is accepted at UAI 2022.


  • Individual Fairness in Feature-Based Pricing for Monopoly Markets
    with Swapnil Dhamal, Ganesh Ghalme, Shweta Jain, Sujit Gujar
    at UAI 2022 [Paper]

Shantanu Das

Project Associate, Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad
Email: shantanu [D] das [A] cse [D] iith [D] ac [D] in